Projects with EU financial support

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Information concerning travel reimbursements for European-funded projects: COMMISSION DECISION of 31.7.2024 authorising the use of unit costs for travel, accommodation and subsistence costs under an action or work programme under the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework click here

LeaderSHIP - empowering the skills of tomorrow in the European maritime sector  read more

Awjees - Towards attractive workplaces and a Just Transition in the European electricity sector

PIRsus - Proactive, Inclusive, Reactive: employee involvement for sustainable multinational companies Read more

The ABC of RBC : The ABC of Responsible Business Conduct  Read more

Power4batteries : Putting Trade Union Power into European Batteries  Read more

StitchTogether: Promoting successful social partnerships in the European textiles and clothing Industry

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CB-Equal : Bargaining a fair and inclusive green and digital transition for a European industry with equal opportunities for all

FLY-SUS: Strengthening Cooperation through the Supply Chain for a Sustainable Transformation of the Aviation Sector

SODISEES: Responsible and sustainable mining in Europe through social dialogue Read more

BEtter REPresentation of White-Collar Employees Read more

Restructurings of a never-seen-before scale hit the European industry due to the combined effects of the COVID-19 crisis-related economic shock, the twin green and digital transitions, ill-regulated globalisation, Brexit and ageing societies. Read more

Challenge 4S
CHAllenGE 4S "Challenge transition for a shipbuilding sector smart skills change” is a new project started in January 2023 and funded by the Erasmus+ Program

Offshore Renewable Energies partnership in the Pact for Skills
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Building trade union capacities for better social dialogue, collective bargaining and sustainable industrial recovery in Central and Eastern Europe

Building a Just Transition towards a Smart and Sustainable Mobility
Building a Just Transition towards a Smart and Sustainable Mobility

Green Deal Leather
Green Deal Leather

Just Transition Defense
EU defence policy: towards more industrial integration

Anticipate & Shape
Anticipate & Shape

The Road to Climate Neutrality 2050
The Road to Climate Neutrality 2050

Just Transition

VP/2019/0284 - with the financial support of the European Union

Collective bargaining and social dialogue in a time of transition
Collective bargaining and social dialogue in a time of transition

Ensuring a Sustainable Future for the South-Eastern European TCLF industries
Ensuring a Sustainable Future for the South-Eastern European TCLF industries

Making digitalisation work for industrial workers


Digital Transformation in the Chemical Industry

Our Future Workplace - Challenges and opportunities of digital transformation

garment and footwear

Project 2018 - Link them up

Industrial Policy in South East Europe

Building stronger trade unions through efficient coordination of collective bargaining

Workers Participation Textile

Sustainability, skills and employment in the Machine Tools & Robotics

Strategic study on anticipation of changes in the European ICT sector

The Future Skills and Competences in the Pulp and Paper Industry

European Chemical Industry Social Partners Roadmap 2015-2020

Leather is my job !


Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load 2020-22

Building stronger trade unions through efficient coordination of collective bargaining

Workers Participation Textile

Sustainability, skills and employment in the Machine Tools & Robotics

Strategic study on anticipation of changes in the European ICT sector

The Future Skills and Competences in the Pulp and Paper Industry

European Chemical Industry Social Partners Roadmap 2015-2020

Leather is my job !

Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load 2020-22