Collective Bargaining Documents


GDPR Toolbox EN

2023/147 - Urgency to invest in workers, training and quality jobs to loosen the tight labour market and meet the shortages DE EN FR

Collective Bargaining Conference Milan Booklet DE EN FR


Telework campaign: My right, my decision EN

Position paper on a fair recovery through collective bargaining DE EN FR

Position paper on lifelong employability through training DE EN FR

Statement on decarbonisation of the heavy industries in CEE that leaves no region or worker behind BG CZ DE EN FR HU PL RO


European collective bargaining campaign - Together at work DE EN FR


Strong Collective Bargaining to Shape Digitalisation DE EN FR


Decentralisation resolution DE EN FR

European Pillar of Social Rights: “a compass” to set a social direction for the benefit of all EN


Documents Collective Bargaining Conference (Vienna) DE EN FR

  • Tendencies in collective bargaining
  • Collective bargaining strategies in the ongoing crisis
  • Youth employment and demographic developments
  • Securing decent work: increasing the coverage rate of collective agreements in Europe

Securing the future in Europa - Let's organise solidarity now! DE EN FR


Solidarity Pact DE EN FR

Members' List (2025)


Concept of a Common Demand  DE  EN  FR

Common Demand for more secure employment and against precarious work DE EN FR

Wage coordination rule DE EN FR