Position Papers
2025/163 Action Plan: Protecting our Democracy against Far-Right Ideas and Values! EN FR DE
2025/162 Warsaw Declaration: For good industrial jobs in the European defence
industry EN FR DE
2025/161 - Competition rules and practices: an industrial trade union approach DE EN FR
Position Papers
2024/160 - Responsible business conduct in Europe in midstream DE EN FR
2024/159 - Taming AI: A Trade Union AI Strategy DE EN FR
2024/158 - Workers of the automotive industry and its supply chain's wake up call for Europe DE EN FR
2024/157 - A European investment plan for good industrial jobs DE EN FR
2024/156 - industriAll Europe Charter for Health & Safety in battery production DE EN FR
2024/155 - Putting the European Rail supply industry on track to reach the Green Deal objectives and create good industrial jobs DE EN FR
2024/154 - For a Europe of solidarity and inclusiveness: industriAll European Trade Union pledge against racism, xenophobia, antisemitism and islamophobia DE EN FR
2024/153 - Misusing shortages for a new ‘race to the bottom’? Equal treatment for migrant workers now! DE EN FR
2024/152 - Industry 5.0: Why should workers care? DE EN FR
2024/151 - Future EU enlargement: Learning the lessons twenty years on from EU enlargement to Central and Eastern European Countries DE EN FR
2024/150 - 20 Years after EU Enlargement to Central and Eastern European Countries: Trade unions demand an industrial agenda that delivers on cohesion and good industrial jobs in Central and Eastern Europe DE EN FR
Position Papers
2023/150 - Affordable access to pharmaceuticals for all and good jobs in the European pharmaceutical industry DE EN FR
2023/149 - CO2 standards and Euro 7: automotive workers need to be on board DE EN FR
2023/148 - Sustainable aviation: for a greener European aviation sector with workers at its core DE EN FR
2023/147 - Urgency to invest in workers, training and quality jobs to loosen the tight labour market and meet the shortages DE EN FR
2023/146 - Building green industries demands urgent investment and solidarity: IndustriAll Europe position on the EU Green Deal Industrial Plan DE EN FR
2023/145 - Electricity regulation - for a Just Energy Transition and the right to energy DE EN FR
2023/144 - Occupational Exposure Limits for nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide: end of the transition period for underground mining and tunnel construction DE EN FR
Position Papers
Trade Unions for peace: industriAll Europe statement on war in Ukraine, Brussels DE EN FR
Statement on Ukraine DE EN FR (24 March 2022)
2022/143 - Ending the permanent crisis for youth: solutions exist DE EN FR
2022/142 - More and fair circular economy: towards strategic autonomy for industrial jobs and a cleaner environment DE EN FR
2022 - Europe must do more for the workers of the automotive industry DE EN FR
2022/141 - What does it take to create the glass industry of the future in Europe? DE EN FR
2022/140 - Youth Action Plan - Trade unions’ future at risk? Building a future for trade unions through youth inclusion DE EN FR
2022/139 - All eyes on AI. Artificial Intelligence as a challenge for workers and their representatives DE EN FR
2022/138 - Fair wages for a fair recovery DE EN FR
2022/137 - The energy prices crisis and its impact on households, industries and jobs DE EN FR
Position Papers
Just Transition: ‘Nothing About Us, Without Us!’
Joint Declaration of IndustriALL Global and industriAll Europe on COP26
2021/136 - Towards a decarbonised circular plastics industry
2021/135 - An economic governance supporting a 'better green and digital normal' that works for all
2021/134 - Stepping up trade union action with and for persons with disabilities
2021/133 - The European semiconductor industry needs a well conceived strategy
2021/132 - A future EU Textiles Strategy which protects workers and the planet BG DE EN ES FR IT RO
2021/131 - The Fit-for-55 Package - Position of industriAll Europe
2021/129 - Securing sustainable raw materials supply in Europe - industriAll Europe’s recommendations for ’Critical Raw Materials Resilience’ DE EN FR
2021/128 - Rainbow Workplaces: Our commitment to equality for LGBTIQ workers DE EN FR
2021/127 - Leaving no region and no worker behind: addressing the challenges of decarbonisation and modernisation in Central and Eastern Europe’s heavy industries - BG CZ DE EN FR HU PL RO
2021/126 - A Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy for Europe DE EN FR
2021/125 - Ensuring lifelong employability through training for future-proof occupational pathways DE EN FR
2021/124 - Employers must stop misusing the crisis to roll back on social standards and to put pressure on wages DE EN FR
2021/123 - Position paper on due diligence/ responsible business conduct DE EN FR
2021/122 - Review of the EU Emissions Trading System DE EN FR
2021/121 - IndustriAll Europe's ICT Action Plan:- The European ICT sector at a crossroads ’ DE EN FR
A new context: strengthening European trade union unity post-Brexit (Apr 21) DE EN FR
The Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability DE EN FR
2021/119 - Updating Europe’s Industrial Policy Strategy to deliver industrial recovery
Position Papers
Europe's green deal - mapping the route to 2030 EN FR DE
The Role of Clean Hydrogen in achieving a Just Transition to a climate neutral industry EN FR DE
Delivering an offshore Renewable Energy Strategy that guarantees good jobs in Europe EN FR DE
Position Papers
Climate plan - IndustriAll Europe supports the plan of going climate neutral by 2050 if a ‘just transition’ is guaranteed
EU Space Strategy - Safeguard competitiveness, safeguard jobs
Position Papers
Impact of Brexit on the Aerospace Sector
Implementation of the European Energy Union
A Just Transition to Sustainable Job Creation
Position Papers
For a Brexit that protects jobs, rights and a social Europe for All - Timetable
Call for a new approach to trade deals
Campaign for effective and efficient TDIs ...
ETUC Pay Rise Campaign: Priority for industriAll Europe
Globalisation gone wrong
Stop the attack on Turkey’s Right to Strike!
Terrorism Will Not Succeed
USA withdrawal from the Paris Climate
A Global Deal: Enhanced Social Dialogue for Decent Work and Inclusive Growth / Flyer
Shaping the Future of Youth
Vision of young industrial workers in a digital world
Action Plans
Building Trade Union Power (BTUP)
Brexit - Vote for a better Europe EN DE FR Refugee Crisis - Call for a credible refugee strategy EN DE FR Sectoral Social Dialogue - Strengthen the importance of SSD EN DE FR Equal Pay for Equal Work EN DE FR Steel - Our Future Rests on European Steel EN DE FR EU-Mexico Free Trade Agreement EN DE FR Southern GTR Industrial Dispute EN DE FR 2015Anticipating and dealing with change in companies DE EN FR Transnational Company Restructuring DE EN FR CO2 emissions standards for cars and road transport DE EN FR National Competitiveness Boards DE EN FR Digitalisation for equality, participation and cooperation in industry DE EN FR Innovation by all and for all - Shaping a sustainable future for manufacturing DE EN FR |
Negotiating Future/ Crisis Strategies DE EN FR
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) DE EN FR
Framework for Energy and Climate Change DE EN FR
Manifesto - Put the Industry back to Work CZ DE EN ES FI FR HU PL
2013European Governance - For Social Responsibility and Democratic Governance DE EN FR Situation and Development of the European Defence and Security Sector DE EN FR Nanotechnology and nanomaterials DE EN FR Position on the general report of the European Commission on REACH DE EN FR What future for ETS and Climate Policy in times of crisis DE EN FR 2012Trade Union Position on the situation of European Land Armament sector DE EN FR Common demand for Collective Bargaining, for more Secure Employment, Against Precarious Work DE EN FR Wage Coordination Rule DE EN FR Political Resolution adopted by the Founding Congress of industriAll European Trade Union DE EN FR (16/5)