Ukraine Monitor

economic and social impacts, trade union initiatives

Views/information on resilience or disruption of supply chains due to the Russian invasion in Ukraine and various sanctions

28 April 2022

Impact and mitigating measures taken by Stakeholders / Social Partners

Solidarity statement of the European Social Partners in the Gas sector on the situation in Ukraine

We are pleased to share with you the solidarity statement on the situation in Ukraine adopted in the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee on Gas with EPSU and Eurogas: (published on 28.4)  EN, DE, FR

In line with our statement on Ukraine adopted by the Executive Committee, the European Social Partners of the gas sector express solidarity with workers and people in Ukraine and their colleagues in the gas sector who are trying to maintain vital energy supply and infrastructures. They also demand urgent measures to ensure European energy security and a place at the table for discussions about the gas sector's future.

Please note that industriAll Europe is going to adopt more detailed and consolidated positions on the challenges identified in this statement in the coming weeks (energy prices, Just Transition manifesto).