Building green industries demands urgent investment and solidarity
Wednesday 31 May 2023 - IndustriAll Europe presents its view on the Green Deal Industrial Plan...
Thursday 04 May 2023 - A crucial challenge of negotiating Just Transition in waterborne mobility industries is the lack of certainty about which technologies and fuels will dominate i...
Wednesday 19 April 2023 - This week the European Parliament voted to adopt the political deals at the heart of the ‘Fit for 55’ package. Including the revision and extension of the Emiss...
Thursday 23 March 2023 - Cepi and industriAll Europe as European social partners publish a joint statement on the impact of the energy crisis on the EU pulp and paper sector....
Wednesday 15 March 2023 - Trade union and employer organisation participants come together in Rome to discuss the role of social partners in the decarbonisation of the chemical, pharmace...
Thursday 02 March 2023 - European chemical social partners call for urgent action to safeguard the European chemical sector and protect high skilled, quality jobs in Europe while also w...