Fair wages for a fair recovery and to shield workers from energy price hike
Wednesday 25 May 2022 - IndustriAll Europe Executive Committee adopts positions on wages and energy prices crisis....
Friday 08 April 2022 - IndustriAll Europe’s discussion tour around the continent about securing a Just Transition with quality jobs concluded in Dublin on 30 March. Sectoral and cross...
Tuesday 29 March 2022 - Implementing the Green Deal in South-East Europe and the Western Balkans poses different challenges to the rest of Europe. Stronger social dialogue and better u...
Thursday 10 February 2022 - IndustriAll Europe stands in solidarity with striking workers at AB Achema and condemns the company’s attacks on collective labour rights, made possible by weak...
Friday 28 January 2022 - In the Nordic countries, the Green Deal and digital transformation are seen as opportunities. A strong social dialogue, strong welfare state and good economic f...
Friday 21 January 2022 - Turkish trade unionists talk to us about the hardship suffered in the current economic crisis and the benefits of their ground-breaking collective agreement...
Friday 21 January 2022 - A Just Transition for workers depends on strong, well-functioning social dialogue. This was the conclusion of affiliates from Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Net...
Friday 14 January 2022 - A tripartite agreement in Spain repeals central aspects of the 2012 labour reform and restores trade union bargaining power at sector level...