Delivering the Just Transition for automotive workers: coalition of trade unions, environmentalists and industry present their common call for action in a joint briefing event
Thursday 02 December 2021 - Press Release...
Thursday 01 July 2021 - The revision of the EU's Alternative Fuels Infrastructure law is the opportunity to create an EU-wide single recharging market. IndustriAll Europe has joined fo...
Thursday 15 April 2021 - After a long dispute, one of the largest automotive suppliers has returned to negotiating with the IndustriALL Serbian affiliate, Industrijski Sindikat Srbije (...
Thursday 17 December 2020 - IndustriAll Europe calls on the EU Environment Council to focus on the needs of industrial sectors as they deal with the decarbonisation challenge...
Friday 10 July 2020 - IndustriAll European Trade Union proposes a strategy for a strong and sustainable recovery of the European automotive sector and its workforce...
Monday 08 June 2020 - As Europe prepares for a wave of massive restructuring and insolvencies, all instruments to alleviate the social impact must be mobilised and fully deployed...