The European Green Deal must be social
Wednesday 11 December 2019 - Making the Green Deal social will be a crucial factor for its acceptance by working men and women....
Friday 06 December 2019 - IndustriAll Europe welcomes the OECD’s latest report ‘Negotiating our way up’ in which the organisation finally recognizes the benefits of sectoral collective b...
Friday 06 December 2019 - Thousands of thyssenkrupp workers and trade unionists demonstrated in Germany, Spain and Belgium to urge thyssenkrupp management to provide guarantees for jobs ...
Wednesday 04 December 2019 - IndustriAll European Trade union has identified key requirements to secure support for what is announced as the flagship initiative of the new European Commissi...
Tuesday 03 December 2019 - Reconciling Europe’s climate agenda with the need for a Just Transition, with the need to keep industrial value chains in Europe and with the need to maintain h...
Wednesday 27 November 2019 - The Executive Committee of industriAll European Trade Union discussed the current collective bargaining round in Finland and expressed strong concerns about Fin...