IndustriAll Europe concludes its 3rd Congress and decides on its roadmap up to 2023
IndustriAll Europe concludes its 3rd Congress and decides on its roadmap up to 2023.
This Congress marks the start of the next four-year mandate period for industriAll Europe and it took place under circumstances dictated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Originally planned as a physical meeting in May 2020, the Congress was postponed and moved online.
Instead of deciding an an action plan for the next four years, Congress has adopted a Strategic Plan that sets out the priorities and actions of our organisation for the next two years.
The pandemic brings many uncertainties for workers, their jobs and the sectors we represent, and this stands in the way of longer-term planning. A continuous monitoring of developments and adaptation of our strategies and actions will therefore be necessary. To this end, a physical meeting of our Congress delegates is planned to take place in 2023. On that occasion, delegates will review the implementation of the Strategic Plan 2021-23, debate and determine the political course for the ensuing years until the next industriAll Europe Congress in 2025.
Given the deep economic and social downturn caused by the pandemic and the profound impact on our sectors and workers, our Strategic Plan focuses on the industrial and social recovery from the crisis, as well as managing the twin green and digital transformations that have been accelerated by the pandemic and recovery plan. Safeguarding a Just Transition that leaves no worker and no region behind in the transition and recovery and ensuring that workers are at the centre of the transformations, will be our central objective.
Our Congress has provided important prerequisites and orientation to help us build a recovery for all, with a strong voice for industrial workers in Europe:
- industriAll Europe‘s Strategic Plan 2021-2023 DE EN FR
- motions introduced by affiliates DE EN FR
- revised statutes
- a new leadership team
IndustriAll Europe would like to thank its affiliates and all those who contributed and helped to make this year’s Congress possible.