Six FNME-CGT trade unionists have recently been prosecuted in Bordeaux and Marseilles for their involvement in industrial actions against the French pension reform and for their fight against the closure of pension funds for electricity and gas workers in France. Such abuse of the judicial system is a clear attack on trade union freedoms and the fundamental right to strike. 

In September this year, industriAll Europe took a series of actions jointly with European public service unions (EPSU) to mobilise against these attacks on fundamental trade union freedoms.

Now two of the six trade unionists concerned have been subject to disciplinary procedures within their workplaces, and face legal sanctions and the threat of dismissal. 

FNME-CGT General Secretary Sébastien Menesplier, who was summoned by the Gendarmie in September, is still awaiting the next legal steps that will be taken in his case . 

Meanwhile, another confederal leader has also been summoned to appear in court on 8 December. 

The evidence is mounting that trade unionists are being targeted for fighting to guarantee protection for workers, fighting for decent wages, pensions and working conditions, all of which are legitimate demands.

Judith Kirton-Darling and Isabelle Barthès Acting Joint General Secretaries of industriAll Europe say: 

“Trade union repression is a global issue, as are attacks on the right to strike and on collective trade union action. The right to strike is under attack across Europe, and legislation is emerging in several countries like France, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and Italy. They are designed to constrain us. An attack on one trade union member represents an attack on all workers and their leaders.We will not stand idly by. Union repression must be resisted wherever and whenever it occurs.”

IndustriAll Europe and our affiliates stand in full solidarity with our brothers and sisters in CGT.

Trade union action is not a crime!

Letter of solidarity to FNME-CGT: EN