Solidarity Now - fight for the right to a collective agreement and fair wages
The 130 RIVA workers at the Trier and Horath sites of RIVA in Germany have been on strike for more than 14 weeks to fight for collective bargaining and better working conditions. Unlike their colleagues from the other three German sites, the RIVA Management is denying them the collective agreement.
An unprecedented European action week will run in all of the RIVA sites in Europe to express full support to fellow workers, and this till 24 September. The voice of the 130 RIVA strikers will also be heard loud and clear in the country of its headquarters, as the Italian trade unions will demonstrate their solidarity by hosting a press conference on 19 September in Milan. On this occasion, RIVA strikers and IG Metall representatives will testify about how a worker is affected when deprived from the collective agreement: The wages in the Trier and Horath RIVA plants are 20 to 30 % lower than those under the regional collective agreement!
“The situation at the Trier and Horath RIVA sites is simply unacceptable! IndustriAll Europe will never stop denouncing blatant attacks against the very basic right to collective bargaining of European workers. IndustriAll Europe thus fully supports the RIVA workers and IG Metall in their fight for the right to a collective agreement and fair wages, in line with IG Metall’s wage agreements”, said Luc Triangle, industriAll Europe General Secretary. “Together with IG Metall, our Italian trade union affiliates, as well as sister organisation IndustriALL Global Union, we are calling on the RIVA Management to go back to the negotiation table without further delay”.
- IndustriAll Europe and IndustriALL Global Union joint letter to RIVA management
- Joint call for European action at RIVA
- Il reportage video sull'incontro di oggi (the video report on today's meeting)
- Link to IG Metall's blog/website "WIR BEI HES - RIVA STAHL" (click image below)