We are ready to cooperate with the Commission, and to contribute trade unions' expertise and field knowledge to the debate regarding the digital transformation of European industry

The involvement of social partners in the discussion on the impact of digitalisation on work, geographic cohesiveness brought by Digital Innovation Hubs in all regions, investment in core microelectronics technologies and in digital platforms, open standards accessible under Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) conditions, a programme for the digital up-skilling of the work force, are all action items that industriAll Europe welcomes.

Luc Triangle, however, also underlined industriAll Europe's strong concerns regarding the changes brought by digitalisation to the employment relationship. On-line crowd working platforms increase the precariousness of work and threaten the collective organisation of labour relations, leaving the worker alone and vulnerable vis-à-vis companies. He also voiced the anxiety of workers regarding the highly uncertain prospects of many jobs in a digitally-transformed industry, but also their hopes that digitally transformed factories could bring industrial work back to Europe.

"We are ready to cooperate with the Commission, and to contribute trade unions' expertise and field knowledge to the debate regarding the digital transformation of European industry", said Luc Triangle. "IndustriAll Europe is willing to participate in shaping this transformation, to create and develop quality jobs in European digitally-transformed industry". The fields of cooperation that were discussed during the meeting cover digital skills and the participation of trade unions in platforms discussing the digitalisation process of industry, at national level or at EU level on issues of common interest (e.g. standardisation, investment in R&D and connectivity).

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