Since its founding Congress in May 2012, industriAll Europe has been carving out a role for itself as a counterweight vis-à-vis European companies, industries, employers’ associations and EU institutions. Especially in these difficult times, when Europe is being torn apart by the omnipresence of austerity policies and structural reforms, it is of crucial importance that Europe’s industrial workforce, which is experiencing considerable change, has a voice and a place at the negotiating table.

IndustriAll Europe’s Congress - industriAll Europe in Action for Investments, Jobs & Solidarity - emphasises the need for trade unions to act together against the unprecedented attacks on wages, social protection and workers’ & trade union rights, which are putting core European values and achievements at risk. Only when united will we be able to stand firm and prevail! Strengthening trade union power in Europe will be at the heart of the discussions. Moreover, reinforcing solidarity, social policy & collective bargaining is the only way to defend workers’ rights, ensure quality jobs and a better future for all.

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Press Officer: Alice Nguyen – - Tel: +32 (0)2 226 00 68