In 2010, the European Commission adopted and committed to the European Disabilities Strategy 2010-2020 (EDS) in line with the 2006 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). Trade unions have to ensure workers with disabilities are not discriminated against. One priority area of the EDS is to significantly raise the share of persons with disabilities working in the open labour market as well as their access to quality jobs and education. They represent one-sixth of the EU's overall working-age population, but their employment rate is comparatively low.

People with disabilities should also benefit from equal access to quality education and lifelong learning. These aspects have to be debated at collective bargaining and company policy level. For example, companies (especially those with more than 250 employees) should be encouraged to define a minimum and statutory hiring rate in the law of employees with disabilities. Sanctions should be applied in case of non-compliance.

IndustriAll European trade union is committed to shaping an inclusive and resilient new world of work for all.

IndustriAll European Trade Union represents the voice of 7 million working men and women across supply chains in manufacturing, mining and energy sectors across Europe. We aim to protect and advance the rights of the workers. Our federation has 177 trade union affiliates in 38 European countries. Our objective is to be a powerful player in the European political arena vis-à-vis European companies, European industries, employers’ associations and European institutions.