On 19 March, trade union representatives from the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, and Slovenia, forming industriAll Europe Eastern Region met in Bratislava. They expressed deep concerns about the growing challenges facing industry in their countries and the associated risk for quality jobs. At the same time, they recognise the strategic importance of industrial sectors for the long-term economic stability and social cohesion of the region.
They adopted a joint resolution which they will send to their respective government calling for swift coordinated action. In this resolution, they demand their governments:
- Jointly promote a unified position at the European level to support the industrial sectors in their countries, with the aim of ensuring their competitiveness and sustainability in the conditions of the global economy and its transformation.
- Actively protect and promote quality jobs so that workers in industrial sectors have stable and decent working conditions, fair wages and social security.
- Involve trade unions in the development of industrial, economic and social policy so that social aspects and workers' needs are also taken into account in decision-making.
- Intensify dialogue between governments, employers and trade unions with the aim of formulating common demands for the region within the EU and coordinating common action in negotiations on strategic industrial initiatives.
- Support investment in innovation, research and development of new technologies in industrial sectors in order to increase the competitiveness of our economies while preserving high quality jobs. All state-funded investment and public procurement should be linked to social conditionalities and respect workers’ and trade union rights.
IndustriAll Europe’s Deputy General Secretary, Isabelle Barthès attended the meeting and stated: "Industrial sectors represent a significant share of the central and eastern Europe economy. Like everywhere in Europe, these industries are going through massive transformation and they are highly impacted by the geopolitical situation. In particular, high energy prices are problematic for both industry and households. The incapacity of the region to speak with one voice and the weak social dialogue, notably the tripartite social dialogue, are additional challenges for central and Eastern Europe countires. We welcome the trade union initiative which aims at showing the way forward for the region urging political leaders to unite and to engage into constructive dialogue with social partners. We call on governments in the region to listen to the trade unions. This is the voice of wisdom."
Read the resolution here