IndustriAll Europe launched a pledge, adopted by the executive committee meeting on 14 and 15 May against racism, xenophobia, antisemitism and islamophobia in which trade unions from across Europe commit to:

  1. Promote equality: every worker should feel welcome in workplaces and our unions
  2. Challenge Discrimination: enforce comprehensive anti-discrimination policies
  3. Educate and Raise Awareness : foster understanding and empathy
  4. Support victims: provide resources and representation
  5. Advocate for Fair Policies: eradicate discriminatory practices are eradicated from our workplaces
  6. Use political influence: tackle discrimination in the labour market
  7. Reflect members’ needs: make sure all workers are represented in collective bargaining
  8. Cultivate inclusive leadership: promote diversity at all levels
  9. Collaborate with allies: forge alliances to eradicate discrimination
  10. Regularly assess progress: continuously evaluate and improve our efforts

Europe is witnessing a worrying rise of far right parties and ideologies. Both in the political sphere and in everyday life, as well as in the work place we are faced with racism, xenophobia, antisemitism and islamophobia. This goes against the core values of trade unions: solidarity and inclusiveness. 

Judith Kirton-Darling indsutriAll Europe’s general secretary says: “The fight against the far right will remain high on the agenda of industriAll Europe in the coming years. Both in the political sphere and at the workplace. We are calling on employers to actively address and eliminate instances of racism, xenophobia, antisemitism, and Islamophobia.”

IndustriAll Europe is dedicated to creating workplaces that promote fairness and diversity, ensure the well-being of all our members and fight discrimination in all its forms, which is why we decided to officially launch this pledge with a visit to Utøya. 

The launch of the pledge at Utøya was both symbolic and significant: on the 22 July 2011 in the small Norwegian island, 69 participants of a Workers Youth League (AUF) camp were murdered by a far-right extremist. 

Since then, the Norwegian labour movement has worked hard to counter right wing extremism; use the location for trainings about democracy, democratic values, discrimination and hate speech.

Participants were deeply moved and inspired by the visit where the Equal opportunities working group reiterated the need for continuous trade union action against racism, xenophobia, antisemitism and islamophobia.

Tanja Lehtoranta, chair of industriAll Europe’s Equal Opportunities Working Group stressed: “Trade unions hold significant power to influence workplace affairs and society as a whole. It is our duty to use this power to effect change. We must tirelessly stand for the most vulnerable, all of our members and for a Europe that is safe for all. If we do not do it, then who will?”

Read the full statement here