IndustriAll-Europe Responsive Email
Making the European Minimum Wage Directive a Reality in Eastern Europe

industriAll Europe has just completed a series of national seminars in the East to discuss the transposition of the EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages.

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Germany - New chemical agreement ensures pay rise and special advantages for members

IGBCE has negotiated a 6.85% pay rise and groundbreaking advantages for organised workers.

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Inflation in the Euro area in June 2024

The Euro area annual inflation is expected to be 2.5% in June 2024.A year earlier, the rate was 5.5%.

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France - social partners strike agreement on gender equality

The metal industry in France has adopted an agreement on gender equality in order to increase the number of women in the sector, promote their careers and reduce the pay gap.

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Inflation in the EU in May 2024

The European Union annual inflation was 2.7% in May 2024. A year earlier, the rate was 7.1%.

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IG Metall demands 7% in metal and electrical

IG Metall is about to formally approve a demand for improved purchasing power for the country's 3.9 million metal workers.

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Norway - Historic training agreement comes into force

As part of the 2024 revision of the collective agreement for manufacturing workers, the social partners and the government decided to implement a comprehensive reform to promote skills and competitiveness.

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Greece - Still massive problems with collective agreements, wages and working time

POEM reports that Greek workers are still going through hardship 16 years after the onset of the financial crisis.

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