IG Metall ensures pay rise and time off in major sector
Pilot agreements for 25 months have been signed in the German metal and electrical sectors. There will be real wage increases for all workers and apprentices as well as better possibilities for time off.
Guidelines on the Minimum Wage Directive
industriAll Europe has published guidelines to help national unions use the EMWD to expand collective bargaining and secure fair wages.
Member states fail to deliver on minimum wage directive
Most EU governments have failed to meet the deadline to put the minimum wage directive into national law – and some are actively working against the aims of the directive, according to the ETUC.
Inflation in the Euro area in November 2024
The Euro area annual inflation is expected to be 2.3% in November 2024. A year earlier, it was 2.4%.
Inflation in the EU in October 2024
The EU annual inflation was 2.3% in October 2024. A year earlier, the rate was 3.6%.
Real wages have fallen since 2020
European workers have lost purchasing power since 2020. This means that the gains made in the last decade have been lost, according to a recent report by Eurofound.